Data Protection Policy
The Scout Group holds a variety of personal data on Section Members and their families to ensure efficient administration and running of the Group. This data is described below:
Data Type |
Description |
Held By |
Access |
Membership Records | Name, address, date of birth, telephone, email, parents etc. | GSL and section leaders | All leaders and group executive. May include District leaders if attending large event. Passed annually to Scout District and headquarters as part of census return. |
Medical Data | Medical conditions, allergies and ailments that potentially impact on Scouting activities | GSL and section leaders | Leaders, plus medical practitioners if necessary. May include District leaders if attending large event. |
Progress Records | Meetings, activities and camps attended, badges and awards gained and similar data | Section leaders | Leaders. Summary information e.g. specific awards may be shared with Scout District |
Financial Records | Subs, membership fees, camp fees, group accounts and other monies | Group executive and section leaders | Leaders and group executive. Summary information passed to Scout District and Charities Commission |
Photographic Data | Photographs and video clips of members and other participants taken during Group activities | GSL and section leaders | Entire information – group members only. Selected items – made available to public for publicity, see notes below. |
- The Scout Group is exempt from Data Protection Act registration requirements.
- Scouting photographs and video clips may be used on the group Internet site. Scout Association guidance is applied so that names and addresses of the subjects are not shown.
- Scouting photographs may be used in posters displayed in public places to promote the Group, to advertise events or recruit members etc., subjects are not identified.
- Scouting photographs may be sent to local newspapers for promotional purposes or newspaper reporters may visit the Group to take photographs. The Group does not hold photographs taken by newspaper reporters. Newspaper policies usually involve the publication of the subjects’ names but not their addresses.
- Any parent with concerns relating to this policy or wishing to exempt their child from any of notes 2, 3 or 4 should inform the Group Scout Leader in writing. We will then do our best to comply with your wishes, however this may not always be possible.