Replacing Our Headquarters
Our current Scout Headquarters dates back to the 1930s and has been showing its age for a number of years. The hall is also quite small and with the increase in members over the last few years, it is no longer big enough for the numbers attending each evening. The Scout Group is therefore looking to replace it at some time in the future.
We have produced an outline specification for the new building and have received outline planning permission for a initial design; however the cost is estimated to be in the order of £250,000 to £300,000. We therefore need to raise a considerable sum, through fund-raising activities and through gaining grants.
There is also the possibility that a developer may pay for a new building as part of a development of the orchard surrounding our land; however this is not an option favoured within the village.
So currently we continue to fund raise and we continue to watch the potential development of the site.
If you wish to get involved or have any comments, please do contact Ian, or make some comments on the site guest book.