Frequently Asked Questions
Welcome to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) pages. Below, we have tried to answer the most common questions visitors to this our website may have. If you find that your question is not answered on this page, please Contact Us to answer your query directly.
How much will it cost?
All members of the Scout Group pay a regular subscription to cover membership fees, group running costs and the majority of activities. Full details of the current subscriptions are detailed in our Group Subscriptions page.
The other costs incurred are for trips, camps and occasional activities that members take part in. We believe that costs should not be a barrier to anyone taking part in Scouting. If you feel this is an issue, you can speak with one of our Leaders in confidence.
If you are a UK taxpayer we will ask you if you would be willing to complete a Gift Aid form enabling us to reclaim money back from the Inland Revenue.
How is the Scout Group funded?
The majority of the costs for running the Scout Group are met through the subscriptions paid by the section members each term. These cover the normal costs of running weekly meetings, paying for our headquarters and meeting the membership fees for the Scout Association. Where additional activities are run by the sections such as visits or camps, these are charged at cost to each attendee.
Other, less regular, expenditure such as new camping equipment or repairs to the headquarters are met by funds from the group raised by letting the hall to other users and other fundraising activities such as running the food stall at the village fireworks display.
Do the Leaders and Helpers get a salary?
No they do not. The Scouting Association is a registered charity and everyone involved as a Leader or Helper gives their time voluntarily to Scouting.