Batty Beavers
The meetings this week were very exciting with the Bedfordshire Bat Group coming down to the hut bringing some of their rescued bats with them. The beavers had a great time and many are now pestering their parents for bat boxes at home.
1st Cheddington Beavers
1st Cheddington has two thriving Beaver colonies - Endeavour meets on Mondays and Discovery on Thursdays, with lots of varied activities for the youngest members of the Scout Group. Each term we work towards two or three badges, and aim to provide a fun, friendly and stimulating environment for our Beavers.
The colonies are run by Lindsay Parkinson and Nick Russon, our Beaver Scout Leaders, and our Assistant Beaver Scout Leaders, Michelle Aulton, Louise Lancaster, Jo Jones, Naomi O'Dwyer, Peter Marshall, Jude Beaumont and Shaun Austin, as well as a number of young helpers and parents helping on a regular basis.
If you would like to be involved in the sessions, please contact Ian.
Summer Term 2012
The first session after the Easter holidays will be on:
Endeavour - Monday 16 April
Discovery - Thursday 19 April
both 6.30pm - 7.30pm, at the Scout Hut.