Explorer Scout Uniform and Badges
Explorers should have a full uniform of an Explorer Scout shirt, blue Scout activity trousers or skirt, a Scout belt and the Unit scarf. During normal meetings, uniform is not required, we only wear the uniform on particular occasions such as formal ceremonies and visits; please see our programme for information as to whether uniform is required for any particular activity.
The scarf, woggle and badges are supplied by the explorer unit as part of the investiture; the shirt, trousers and belt need to be purchased by the Explorer.
Explorers may wear the Chief Scout's Gold award on their Explorer uniform until they gain their Chief Scout's Platinum award.
For badges with several levels, such as Chief Scout's Award, Duke of Edinburgh Award, participation awards and staged activity badges, only the highest numbered badge achieved should be worn on the uniform. The hghest number earned in the Scout Troop for each of these awards can continue to be worn on the Explorer uniform until superceded by a higher number.
It is essential that every item of uniform is named to ensure lost property can be returned to the right owner.
Where to Buy Uniform
Uniform is available from a number of suppliers. Please click here for full details of all suppliers.