New term, new programme, new starters
A big welcome to James and Sam who joined us for our first meeting of the new term.
A sad goodbye to Charlie Storr who has resigned as Explorer leader to concentrate on his next sailing challenge - a transatlantic crossing.
All the Explorers and Leaders shared what they would like to acheive by Christmas:
Menna - take some Explorers up a mountain, and down again!
Ian Hale - get the group Exec committee running
Chris - help run some fund raising activities
Fred - make real progress with D of E
Jerome - do some walks
James - become part of the group
Sam - become part of the group
Katie - progress with D of E
Scarlett - climb a Welsh mountain
Caitlyn - do some more walking
Charlie - win a prize a Grimsdyke
Emily - beat the boys at Monopoly (again!)
Dan - climb Snowdon, complete Grimsdyke & complete D of E bronze
Jay - complete Grimsdyke
Tom - make new friends and complete Grimsdyke
Dave - get Explorers to run their own meeting on 17 Oct
So now we've said it - we need to JFDI
Arty Farty 28/29/30 May 2011
Explorers got all Arty Farty at the Mentmore Arts Festival over the Bank Holiday. Their exhibition will lead towards their Creative Arts badge
Art Attack
Cetendone Explorers will be exhibiting their works of art alongside professional artists at the Mentmore Arts Festival 28/29/30 May 2011
Trench Foot 16 May 2011
The Explorers spent last Monday evening at the WW1 trenches at Halton. They learned the origins of 'having a chat' (to de-louse your uniform) and found out that the German trenches were much better constructed and more comfortable than the British ones. 50,000 troops who passed through Halton for basic training never returned from the front; a lot of them would be the same age as our Explorers - sobering stuff.
We welcomed Reece to the unit, with his investiture at the trenches and rounded off a great evening with F & C.
Bowled over
Top night of tenpin bowling at Jardines in Aylesbury. Experience triumphed over youth with Charles getting the top score and Menna third. Scarlet was the rose between two errrr, um, slightly less young roses. 21 March 2011
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