A week of Fundraising and Supporting the Community
Cheddington 1st Scouts have signed up to take part in this years Community week which will run from 14th-20th May 2012.
We will not only be raising money for the Association but also helping local ventures and people.
We are currently looking for ideas and causes to support, so if you can think of a worthy cause, do let us know.
Facebook Group Opened
The Scout Group hasset up a Facebook Group which will be used to keep all of the group up to date with events and activities, ask questions of the group and to upload photos and other information.
The group is a closed group, meaning only people approved by us will be able to see any of the discussions or photos. To be part of this, please go to Facebook and search for 1st Cheddington Scout Group” (or click on “1st Cheddington Scout Group”). Then ask to join the group and we will approve the application.
Please note that the Facebook group will be used to supplement normal communications such as the website, emails and letters; it is not intended to replace them.
Even More Beavers!
Following the hugely successful Open Evening in June with around 30 new children coming along and experiencing what Beavers are all about, 1st Cheddington is pleased to announce that it wil be opening a second Beaver Colony from this September. This will allow us to cater for around 50 six and seven year olds., both girls and boys.
This is fantastic news for the group and is our first significant expansion since we opened the Explorer Unit two years ago. We hope that this increase in numbers will continue through to the other sections in the future.
The new colony will run on Monday evenings from 18:30 to 19:30 and will operate in close partnership with our existing colony on Thursdays, sharing programmes and activities. More details are to follow as the plans are finalised ready for September.
If you are interested in finding out more, please contact Ian Hale via our 'I want to Join' page.
Annual Report Published
This year's annual report has been publsihed following its approval at the annual general meeting in Octrober 2011. Registered users can read the report in the group management section of the website.
Fantastic ferrets further our funds
Brilliant! Over 160 people turned up on a very cold evening to suppport Cheddington Scouts and Cetendone Explorers in their fund raising. The enthusiastic crowd placed their bets on the ferrets and then watched them run down the drainpipes and poke their noses out at the other end. Despite tempting the ferrets with a range of trouser legs from skinny jeans to flares, all the ferrets stayed happily in their boxes.
A huge number of people helped to make this event such a success and as soon as the money is counted - takes a while because there is so much - we will post the final sums raised.
The money raised is going towards replacing and improving our equipment as well as a fighting fund for the maintenance and eventual replacement of the hut.
Thank you to all the helpers, sponsors, punters and ferrets.
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