Cheddington Scouts back on line
After a period of several months, we have finally managed to repair our website.
Our previous ISP went into technical difficulties in June and then ceased operating over the summer break - our website has been unavailable throughout this period. That's what you get for free hosting!
We have now moved the website to a brand new provider (paid for this time so service will be better) and hope the website will continue to provide the essential information required for the scout group.
We believe we have trasfered everything across correctly but if you find any problems, of any kind, please email Ian using our Contact Form so that we can investigate the issue and get it fixed.
Cheddington Explorers 6 months on
The Cetendone Explorer unit based at Cheddington Scouts is now 6 months old.
Over the last 6 months, we have got to know our Explorer members and leaders and enjoyed a packed and varied programme of activities.
We have provided a mixture of challenge, adventure and social activities including hiking, camping down Hellfire caves, climbing, the ever popular camp fire and lots of evenings doing things with food - some edible, some not!! In December, some Explorers supported the Watford New Hope Trust in a mass sleep out to raise awareness for homeless people and at Christmas, the Explorers, assisted by Dave Stevens built a tableau of Santa and his reindeer for Cheddington village.
The Explorer Unit meets on Monday evenings from 20:00 to 21:45 at the Scout Hut and is led by Iain Holliday, supported by the Group Scout Leader, Ian Hale as well as Dave Stevens, Charlie Storr and Menna Pitts.
If you would be interested in being a member of the Unit or want to find out more, please use our joining form.
Ride to the Horns
1st Cheddington were delighted to be asked to support this year's Ride to the Horns cycling challenge on June 14th. This is a major cycling event with around 300 cyclists riding up to 92 miles around the Chiltern Hills in conjunction with The Stag at Mentmore and Mark Webber (of F1 fame).
Our task was to man the car park for the day, providing control and security for the cyclists cars and we are very grateful to all of the parents, leaders, beavers, cubs and scouts who gave up their time to help on this. It was a long day (over 12 hours) but we had great fun, raised some money for the group through donations from the car drivers and received a nice thanks you letter from Mark Webber himself after the event.
We are already lookiong forward to next year.
Raise Funds for 1st Cheddington Scout Group When You Shop and Search Online
Have you heard about easyfundraising yet? It’s the easiest way to help raise money for 1st Cheddington Scout Group. If you already shop online with retailers such as Next, Argos, John Lewis, Comet, iTunes, eBay or HMV, then we need you to sign up to for free to raise money while you shop!
So how does it work? You shop directly with the retailer as you would normally, but if you sign up to for free and use the links on the easyfundraising site to take you to the retailer, then a percentage of whatever you spend comes directly to us at no extra cost to yourself. So if you spend £100 with M&S online, we get £5 cashback from your purchase. £100 spent with Amazon raises £2.50 for us, £100 with WH Smith puts £2.00 in our pocket, and so on. easyfundraising features over 2,000 retailers, and some of the donations can be as much as 15% of the cost of your purchase.
This service is FREE to use, and what’s more, joining easyfundraising will give you access to hundreds of exclusive discounts and voucher codes, so not only will you be helping us, you’ll be saving money yourself.
And that’s not the only way to raise money. Are you one of the 6.4m people that use a search engine every day? If so then why not raise money for 1st Cheddington Scout Group while you search? combines the results of several search engines such as Yahoo!, Bing and Ask to ensure you can always find what you’re looking for. But the fantastic thing is that EVERY TIME you search, half a penny is raised for 1st Cheddington Scout Group. That’s right – you don’t even have to buy anything! Almost 17 million searches have been made using easyearch and each one has raised money for good causes.
So what are you waiting for? Sign up today and start raising money for 1st Cheddington Scout Group simply by shopping and searching online….what could be easier?
Group Headquarters Work Party Saturday 21st Feb
There are a number of jobs to be carried out at the headquarters, mainly in the kitchen, and we have set a date of Saturday 21st February in the morning.
The jobs to be tackled are:
- Replacement of broken glass in kitchen and backroom windows with plywood
- Replacement of broken internal wall in backroom
- Fitting of new light in kitchen (to make up for loss of window!)
- Dismantling and disposal of old kitchen units
- Replacement of main stop cock under sink
- Commence fitting of new kitchen units donated to group
Several leaders and committee members will be there but if any parents or supporters wish to give a hand, then they will be more than welcome. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be provided!
See Ian for more details
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