Scarecrows at the Village Fete
This year's Cheddington Village Fete is to have an English Village Theme and to give that authentic Village feeling, we are holding a Scarecrow competition that anybody can enter.
All you have to do is to make a Scarecrow and put it in your front garden for judging.
The winner will be announced at the Village Fete on Saturday 6 July 2013 and will win a family prize.
Entry is £1 per house. Please complete the form and attach your £1 and put in the box in Cheddington School's Office.
December Lucky Number Winners
This months winners are:
1st Prize: Hale Family
2nd Prize: Rachel Daly
3rd Prize: Madelyn Key
The easyFundraising competition was won by Becky Knight who received a bottle of wine and a box of chocolates.
Congratulations to all our winners!
Name the Cub Packs
Our two cub packs have now been running for a whole term and are growing successfully thanks to all the hard work put in by the leader team.
To date, we have been referring to them as the Tuesday Pack and the Wednesday Pack; however, it would be far better if they had proper names such as the two beaver colonies, Endeavour and Discovery.
Elsewhere in the district, we have cub packs named:
- Windmill and Watermill (the same as their beaver colonies) at Ivinghoe & Pitstone
- Mars and Saturn (beaver colonies are Gemini and Venus) at Wendover
We are therefore looking for ideas on what to call our two packs. Do you have any suggestions?
Please pass on your thoughts to Ian, or any of the leaders.
Website Revamp
The group website has been given a new look with a new clean look and feel, new functionality and information brought up to date.
Please do make use of it and let us have any comments back.
Christmas Competition
As Christmas approaches we have a free competition for you to play along with and help us to make some money for Cheddington Scouts. The best part is it won’t cost you anything but you could win.
All you need to do is log on to our EasyFundraising page before ordering your Christmas presents online and the companies you purchase from will make a donation to help us. Go to
We’re going to zero the counters on the 1st October and the person who has raised the most on the 24th December wins.
If you’ve already got an EasyFundraising account you need read no further. Simply have a go and good-luck.
How to set up your Easy Fundraising account...
Go to and register by clicking the yellow button at the top of the page.
In the “Support your cause” search box type “1st Cheddington Scout Group”. You need the 1st to find us. Then click on the “Yes! Sign me up...” button. Fill in a few details and you’re ready to play. If you don’t want EasyFundraising to send you voucher codes by e-mail remember to untick the bottom tick box.
You will have the chance to send the details to others. This gains you points and they are all welcome to join the competition.
How to raise us funds...
Before you buy anything on line, open up the Easy Fundraising page (and log in if you’ve not left it ready to go). At the top of the page you can Search for any retailer or product. Type in where you want to shop there, or what you want to buy, and choose your store from the drop down list. Almost everywhere is on there including supermarkets, hotels and many more online shops, even Weight Watchers offers a donation, should you want to make your new years resolution early.
Click through to their site with the Go Shopping button or through an offer and they will give us a donation.
To increase your chances of winning have a look at the amount the company will donate. Some insurance companies will give £30 or more if you take out a policy others will give 2-3% of your spend. You increase your chances of winning by choosing the companies that donate the most.
You can also increase your chances by looking at the Raise funds for Free page (it’s off the deals button). There you can get things to try and the companies will give us donations. It all counts towards your total in the competition.
Finally, remember you can use it if you purchase things for work too. There are stationary companies and hotel chains on there so feel free to get everyone at work to help you to win.
Good luck.
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