Behaviour Policy
Code of Behaviour
Scouting is all about FUN, FRIENDSHIP and ADVENTURE and these can only be achieved by working together. By requiring certain behaviours from our members, we provide a greater freedom for the Group as a whole and everyone who is part of it. We all therefore need to keep to a few simple rules.
All sections are expected to follow these rules, although they will be explained in terms more appropriate to their age.
Uniform should be worn for all Scouting activities whether at our headquarters or external events unless notified to the contrary.
Uniform should be worn correctly, neatly and without fuss during the formal parts of activities such as flag break, grand howl, prayers, investitures and badge presentations.
Uniform should be respected at all times it is worn.
All section members should listen attentively when Leaders are talking or when explaining details of games and activities and will wait until the leader has finished explaining the details before asking questions.
Everybody should help minimise the amount of time spent listening to instructions by avoiding interrupting, talking over other people, chatting to others or making any noise.
If a leader calls for quiet such as raising an arm or blowing a whistle, then everybody must immediately stop what they are doing and keep quiet until told to continue.
No one makes a noise or causes disruption during quiet times such as at the beginning or end of meetings, when game rules are being explained, or when a Leader requests silence.
Friendly and Helpful
We expect everybody to be friendly to everyone, treating him or her in the way they would like to be treated.
Section members are expected to try their best in everything, even games and activities that they do not like.
Section members shall always encourage others by being constructive and helping them to do better. Negative comments and criticism are not to be used.
Time Keeping
All members should arrive at meetings on time to allow a prompt start.
Parents should turn up to collect their children on time at the end of meetings and activities to avoid any hanging around. Section leaders will ensure the meetings finish on time or messages are given if something is running late.
All members of the group should have respect for all other members of the Group as individuals, whatever their difference.
Respect should be shown to all property and equipment which should be looked after and put away correctly after use and shall not be deliberately damaged nor misused.
Bullying is not tolerated at any time and will be taken seriously if it occurs.
All activities will be run in accordance with Scout Association safety rules and procedures.
Everybody must listen to and obey all safety rules explained by leaders or instructors.
During activities, unsafe or inappropriate behaviour is not permitted under any circumstances and will result in exclusion from the activities if carried out.
All members should always tell the truth and show that they can be relied upon to follow safety rules, be on time and do as they are asked.
Section members are expected to keep the Beaver Scout Promise / Cub Scout Promise / Scout Promise.
Discipline Procedures
All disciplinary actions will be appropriate to the young person concerned and take account of their age and personal circumstances. Parents will be kept informed of any unacceptable behaviour and actions deemed necessary to deal with the situation.
In all cases, the final decision rests with the Group Scout Leader as to the actions to be taken, although generally this is delegated to the leaders for all but the most serious incidents or in cases of dispute.
If a section member is warned about unacceptable behaviour then this behaviour must stop immediately. If the behaviour continues either immediately or resumes later then the leader may exclude the section member from the current or a subsequent activity as appropriate.
Serious incidents or constant unacceptable behaviour will be discussed with the section members parents by the leader and, if appropriate, may result in a short term exclusion of the section member from a number of meetings or activities. Generally we would expect this to be agreed between the leaders and parents but if agreement cannot be reached then the final decision rests with the Group Scout Leader once the full facts and circumstances are understood.
Continued serious behaviour issues will be discussed between the Group Scout Leader, the leaders and the parents to identify a solution. In extreme cases this could result in the young person’s membership of the group being cancelled.