Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) pages. Below, we have tried to answer the most common questions visitors to this our website may have. If you find that your question is not answered on this page, please Contact Us to answer your query directly.


How do I become a member of the website?

For security reasons, certain information on this website is restricted to registered members only. To obtain an account, please use the 'Create an account' link on the left hand side of the home page. Once you have completed your details, a link will be sent to your email address for you to verify this is correct and then an administrator will enable the account. Please note that this could take a couple of days. You can contact the administrator of the website at any time.

What's the Law and Promise?

The relevant Law and Promise for your section can be found under ‘Information’ in your section’s area of the website

How can I become a leader?

The group always welcomes offers of help from adults (18 and over). You would normally start by helping out on a regular basis and build up experience and responsibility over time. All leaders and helpers are subject to CRB checks and checked for suitability before being allowed to be alone with young people. The Scout Association also offer training for all positions. If you are seriously considering becoming a leader or have been a leader with another group then please Contact Us.

What does the scout executive committee do?

The scout executive committee is made up of a mixture of leaders and parents who meet regularly to plan fundraising activities for the group and organise group events. They oversee the allocation of group funds, maintain all group equipment and organise fundraising events. An AGM is held every year to which all parents are invited during which the officers are elected and the financial audit presented. The executive committee would welcome any parent wishing to join at any time.

My question has not been answered

If you still have a question that has not been answered here, please ask us using the Contact Us form.