What are Cub Scouts?
Cubs are boys and girls aged between 8 and 10½, and they make up the second section of the Scout Group. The Cub Pack is split into smaller groups called Sixes, each one has a Sixer and a Seconder but to become one of those you have to earn the chance by trying your best to be a good Cub Scout.
There are loads of fun things that you can do as a Cub Scout. You will get a chance to try lots of different activities like swimming, music, exploring, computing and collecting. If you do them properly you will get a badge which you can wear on your uniform.
Cub Scouts also get to go on trips and days out, to places like the zoo, theme parks or a farm. Sometimes you will be able to go camping with the rest of your Pack. This will mean you sleeping in a tent and doing loads of outdoor activities.
You can find out more about the Cub Scout section on the national Scout website.
Cub Scouts at Cheddington
We have two Cub Packs at Cheddington, Tigers meeting on Tuesdays and Wolves meeting on Wednesdays. Both of our Cub Packs are extremely active and take most of their members directly from the Beaver Colonies. The Packs enjoy a wide variety of activities at the weekly meetings including games, skill training and badgework. As well as the weekly meetings, the Cub Packs also go on camps and take part in District competitions and activities with other Packs in the area. The Packs meet throughout term times.
For more information about the Cub Pack, please select the appropriate section from the menu on the left.